ロンドン大学で MSc Computer Science: Software design and programming モジュールを履修中。
全 12 週のうち 6〜12 週目の内容を記録します。(6 週目開始:2024 年 5 月 13 日 / 12 週目終了:2024 年 7 月 1 日)
Week 6: Design patterns I #
- design Patterns
- reducing boilerplate code.
- Overview of design patterns
- Lecture 1: Design patterns – An introduction
- Design patterns
- Lecture 2: An introduction to creational design patterns
- Lecture 3: An introduction to structural design patterns
- Lecture 4: An introduction to behavioural design patterns
Lecture 1: Design patterns – An introduction #
A pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment and then describes the core of the solution to that problem so that you can use this solution a million times over without ever doing it the same way twice.
Christopher Alexander
According to the Gang of Four (GoF), there three categories of the design patterns.
- creational design patterns
- structural design patterns
- behavioural design patterns
Lecture 2: An introduction to creational design patterns #
- Creation of complex objects
- They hide how complex objects are created and put together
Lecture 3: An introduction to structural design patterns #
- Composing objects to form larger structures
- Realise new functionality from old functionality
- Provide flexibility and extensibility
Lecture 4: An introduction to behavioural design patterns #
- Algorithms and assignment of responsibilities to objects
- Avoid tight coupling to a particular solution
Further material #
- SOURCE MAKING | Design Patterns & Refactoring
- REFACTORING GURU | Refactoring and Design Patterns
- Design Patterns | Object Oriented Design
Week 7: Design patterns II #
- Design patterns in Java
- Design patterns in Java
- Lecture 1: Design patterns in Java
- Lecture 2: (screencast): Creational Design patterns worked examples in Java
- Lecture 3: (screencast) Structural Design patterns worked examples in Java
- Lecture 4: (screencast): Behavioural Design patterns worked examples in Java
- Case Study
- Lecture 5: (screencast) Worked example
- Labs
- Practical: Design patterns – Creational
- Practical: Design patterns – Structural
- Practical: Design patterns – Behavioural
Lecture 1: Design patterns in Java #
Lecture 2: (screencast): Creational Design patterns worked examples in Java #
Lecture 3: (screencast) Structural Design patterns worked examples in Java #
Lecture 4: (screencast): Behavioural Design patterns worked examples in Java #
Lecture 5: (screencast) Worked example #
Further material #
- Design Pattern Catalog | Java Design Patterns
- Design Patterns Catalog
- This is just a simple example of how you might use design patterns in your Java applications.
- https://github.com/Angel-Dzhambazov/IT-step-repository
- https://github.com/mydotey/mydotey-samples
- https://github.com/OsteHovel/ostsplit
- https://github.com/BBLLMYD/census
- https://github.com/SunnyMarkLiu/Design-Patterns-Java
- https://github.com/aserg-ufmg/engsoftmoderna
- https://github.com/MiguelCatalan/head-first-design-patterns
Week 8: Graphical user interfaces #
- graphical user interfaces
- cross-platform interfaces
- event handling,
- callbacks
- asynchronous and synchronous behaviour.
- GUI concepts
- Lecture 1: Graphical User Interfaces: Model-view controller
- Lecture 2: Event handling
- Lecture 3: (screencast) Components and layout
- Lecture 4: Cross-platform issues
- Java provisions - AWT, Swing, and JavaFX
- Lecture 5: AWT
- Lecture 6: Swing
- Lecture 7: JavaFX
- Cross-platform frameworks
- Lecture 8: (screencast) JavaFX Example
- Lecture 9: (screencast) Introduction to Flutter
- Labs
- Practical: JavaFX
Lecture 1: Graphical User Interfaces: Model-view controller #
- MVC stands for model-view-controller.
- The model is the actual internal representation.
- The view is a way of looking at or displaying the model.
- The controller provides for user input and modification.
- A model does “business logic”:
- It should be I/O free.
- Communication with the model is via methods.
- This approach gives maximum flexibility in how the model is used.
- The controller organises the program and provides input (control) o the model.
- The view displays what is going on in the model:
- It should never display what should be going on in the model.
- For example, if you ask to save a file, the view shouldn’t itself tell you that the file has been saved - it should tell you what the model reports.
Lecture 2: Event handling #
- Event: an object representing an external happening that can be observed by the program.
- Event-driven programming: a style of programming where the main thing the program does is respond to Events.
- Event loop: a loop that waits for an Event to occur, then dispatches it to the appropriate code.
- GUI: a graphical user interface (user interacts with the program via things on the screen).
Lecture 3: (screencast) Components and layout #
Lecture 4: Cross-platform issues #
Lecture 5: AWT #
Abstract window toolkit (AWT)
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
Swing versus AWT
- Swing is bigger, slower, and more complicated (but much faster than it used to be).
- Swing is more flexible and better looking.
- Swing and AWT are incompatible. You an use either, but you cannot mix them (actually, you can, but it is tricky and not worth doing).
- Learning the AWT is a good start for learning Swing.
Lecture 6: Swing #
Lecture 7: JavaFX #
JavaFX is the platform for creating desktop and we application developed by Oracle Corporation.
- Rich set of UI controls
- Easy integration with Java
- Styling and customisation options
- Hardware acceleration for smooth graphics
- Cross-platform compatibility
Lecture 8: (screencast) JavaFX Example #
Lecture 9: (screencast) Introduction to Flutter #
Further material #
- JavaFX
- Java GUI Tutorial - YouTube
- Flutter - Build apps for any screen
- Your first Flutter app | Google Codelabs
- The Six Most Popular Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks
Week 9: Modules and versioning #
- modules versioning
- OSGi
- build tools
- CI/CD.
- Modules and versioning
- Lecture 1: Overview
- Lecture 2: JPMS – the Java platform module system
- Lecture 3: OSGi – an alternative approach
- Packaging and managing the build process
- Lecture 4: (screencast) Packaging - jar files
- Labs
- Practical: Modules, versioning, packaging and the build process
- Practical: OSGi modularity and services
- Practical: Build a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub actions
Lecture 1: Overview #
Lecture 2: JPMS – the Java platform module system #
The JPMS allows the division of large codebases into smaller, self-contained modules.
Lecture 3: OSGi – an alternative approach #
OSGi is an alternative module system.
- It allows for the creation of independently deployable bundles.
- It enables runtime installation, update nad removal of modules without system restarts.
- It promotes loose coupling through a service-oriented programming model.
Lecture 4: (screencast) Packaging - jar files #
Further material #
- OSGi Working Group | The Eclipse Foundation
- Maven Repository
- Maven – Maven Getting Started Guide
- Jenkins
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Fundamentals - GitHub Resources
- How to build a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions in four simple steps - The GitHub Blog
Week 10: Concurrency and parallelism #
- concurrency
- parallel processing
- virtual environments.
- Concurrency and parallelism
- Lecture 1: An introduction
- Lecture 2: (screencast) Concurrency through examples
- Lecture 3: (screencast) Parallelism through examples
- Lecture 4: (screencast) Virtual environments through examples
- Concurrency and parallelism through Java
- Lecture 5: (screencast) Synchronization in Java, Part 1 - Race conditions, locks, and conditions
- Lecture 6: (screencast) Synchronization in Java, Part 2 - The synchronized keyword
- Lecture 7: (screencast) Synchronization in Java, Part 3 - Atomic operations and deadlocks
- Virtual environments
- Lecture 8: Developing code in the Cloud
- Lecture 9: (screencast) Docker by example
- Labs
- Practical: Concurrency and parallelism
- Practical: Project Loom
Lecture 1: An introduction #
Difference between concurrency and parallelism
# Concurrent (Single Core)
T1 ----------------┐ ┌------->
Context Switch | |
T2 └------┘ -------->
# Parallel (Multiple Core)
T1 -------------------------------------------->
T2 -------------------------------------------->
What is Concurrency?
Concurrency is the ability of a computer system to execute multiple tasks simultaneously, where each task progresses independently and makes progress over time.
- Interleaved execution
- Shared resources
- Synchronisation
- Race conditions: when multiple task access and manipulate shared resources, unexpected and incorrect results may occur.
- Deadlocks: situations where two or more tasks are unable to proceed because each is waiting for the other to release a resource.
- Synchronisation overhead: coordinating access to shared resources introduces additional complexity and can impact performance.
What is Parallelism?
Parallelism involves dividing a large task into smaller subtasks that can be executed simultaneously by multiple processors or cores.
- Task decomposition
- Independent execution
- Concurrent progress
Concurrency vs Parallelism
Concurrency focuses on managing multiple tasks, providing interleaved execution and synchronisation, regardless of the available resources.
Parallelism focuses on dividing tasks into subtasks that can be executed simultaneously, taking advantage of multiple processing units or cores.
Concurrency and parallelism can be combined to achieve optimal performance in certain scenarios.
Concurrent execution can be used within a parallel program to manage shared resources and synchronise operations.
Lecture 2: (screencast) Concurrency through examples #
Lecture 3: (screencast) Parallelism through examples #
Lecture 4: (screencast) Virtual environments through examples #
Lecture 5: (screencast) Synchronization in Java, Part 1 - Race conditions, locks, and conditions #
- Synchronization in Java, Part I: Race conditions, locks, and conditions
- https://learn.london.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/382675/mod_page/content/6/Synchronization%20in%20Java%2C%20Part%20I_%20Race%20conditions%2C%20locks%2C%20and%20conditions.pdf
Lecture 6: (screencast) Synchronization in Java, Part 2 - The synchronized keyword #
- Synchronization in Java, Part 2: The synchronized keyword
- https://learn.london.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/382678/mod_page/content/6/Synchronization%20in%20Java%2C%20Part%202_%20The%20synchronized%20keyword.pdf
Lecture 7: (screencast) Synchronization in Java, Part 3 - Atomic operations and deadlocks #
- Synchronization in Java, Part 3: Atomic operations and deadlocks
- https://learn.london.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/382681/mod_page/content/6/Synchronization%20in%20Java%2C%20Part%203_%20Atomic%20operations%20and%20deadlocks.pdf
Lecture 8: Developing code in the Cloud #
Lecture 9: (screencast) Docker by example #
Further material #
- Will Project Loom obliterate Java Futures? | by Adam Warski | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Alan Bateman — Project loom: Modern scalable concurrency for the Java platform (ENG + RUS SUB) - YouTube
- Virtual Thread Deep Dive - Inside Java Newscast #23 - YouTube
- Project Loom Brings Structured Concurrency - Inside Java Newscast #17 - YouTube
Week 11, 12 #
最終課題の期間。CLI 上で実行するようなゲームアプリを Java の Spring Boot で開発する。具体的には、以下の Domination の模倣品のようなものを作成する。(以下は GUI で実行するアプリだが、課題はこれを CLI で実行するものとして作成する。)
- Domination (Risk Board Game) download | SourceForge.net
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/domination/