フィリピン留学 - MONOL8週間目終了

フィリピン留学 - MONOL8週間目終了

MONOL 8週間目が終了しました。これで MONOL は卒業です。明日 MONOL を出発し、セブ島にある次の学校に向かいます。

MONOL での2か月間(8週間)を振り返った記事は別途作ろうと考えていますので、今回はあくまでも8週目の記録として記事を作成します。


そのため今回の記事では、私が MONOL のライティングの授業で書いたエッセイを載せようと思います。

「他者に共感した瞬間」というお題で書いたエッセイ #

When I felt Empathy #

Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, once said, “A human being is a social animal.” In other words, a human being cannot live alone. Therefore, we possess empathy. In this essay, I will write about what I empathized with another person.

In 2016, I was a 4th year university student, and it was the time that we had to look for a job so as to work after graduation. Fortunately, I was able to pass the recruitment test of the company I wanted to work for. On the other hand, one of my friends failed the test many times. One day, she started to cry. At that time, I understood how sad she felt. If you were I, what would you suggest her? In my case, I did nothing but be with her. By the way, which do you think is more important between words and actions? Of course, the former are important, but I think the latter are more important, because whether they really empathize with you or not is reflected by not their words but actions. In my opinion, just being together is even more comfort than any word, hence I did so. After a while, she stopped crying as if my compassion were transmitted, then she said thankyou to me. One month later, she told me that she passed the test. When I heard that, I was happy as if it happened to me.

How about you? Have you recently empathized with someone? If so, then you are a “social animal.”

「英語学習者への提案」というお題で書いたエッセイ #

Suggestion to English Learners #

Do you enjoy studying English? If it is possible for you, I recommend you study abroad, then you will learn a lot of things in addition to English. By the way, how do you see the world? It is undoubted that staying in an isolated place makes your view narrower, but most people cannot realize that. In fact, I used to be the same. However, I realized this through studying English abroad. The following essay is about my experience.

In December 2019, I quit my job. Before that, work was everything for me; I did not think about anything except work. My view had become narrower unconsciously.

Now, I am studying at English academy in the Philippines. My purpose is to improve my English skills for work. Since I came here, I have learned a lot of things in addition to English skills. One of them is that there are many different people and thoughts, and each person lives differently from the others. This realization has broadened my horizons and perspectives. Now, I have come to the idea that work is not everything.

Humans recognize the world by the language they use, so acquiring English skills will broaden your world, but, besides that, meeting various people in foreign countries will more broaden it. How about studying English abroad?

感想 #


MONOL のライティングの授業では、このような感じのエッセイを2日に1回書くことになります。基本的にはホームワークとして事前にエッセイを書きあげておき、授業の中で先生にチェックしてもらう、といった形になります。

さて、ついに明日、MONOL を出発します。無事に次の学校に到着できるよう、安全第一で行って参ります。